OtterBlotter: Instructions to Run

OtterBlotter: Instructions to Run

How to Use OtterBlotter

Once OtterBlotter has been installed and configured for your firm, it can be run every day with the following steps:

Step 1: Download Trade Blotter from your Custodian
      The following instructions detail how this can be done from Pershing:
      <Add instructions>

Step 2: Open OtterBlotter

Step 3: Load Trade Blotter into OtterBlotter
      a. Go to OtterBlotter2 on the Google Sheets menu, and select OtterBlotter. Please note that you can also paste the Trade Blotter directly into cell C2 instead of using the Load functionality.


      b. The following popup will open. Click on Select a File:

      c. This will open the Google Picker and will display all Spreadsheets stored in your Google Drive on  Choose the Trade Blotter that you saved in Step 1, and click the Select button.
      d. OtterBlotter will validate the spreadsheet in the following ways:
  1. It will make sure that the Blotter was saved in Excel or Google Sheets format
  2. It will check that the columns in the Trade Blotter match the OtterBlotter Configuration that was defined on the Control tab of the OtterBlotter spreadsheet. Please note that you can only see this configuration if Advanced mode is turned On.

Step 4: Run OtterBlotter
      a. Click on Extensions > OtterBlotter2 > Run OtterBlotter. OtterBlotter will validate that you are running using the correct spreadsheet before proceeding.

      b. A confirmation message will pop up. Click Yes:


      c. OtterBlotter will begin to run, and will display a popup with the current status so you are aware of what it's doing and can get an idea of how much time is left:

      d. Depending on the AutoExport setting, OtterBlotter will either display a "Finished" message once complete, or open the Export window automatically (see next step.)

      e.  You will now be able to view the results in the rightmost columns:

Step 5: Export Blotter
      This will export the Blotter with the results from OtterBlotter to a new spreadsheet.
     a. If the AutoExport setting is set to N, Click on Extensions > OtterBlotter2 > Export Results. If the AutoExport setting is set to Y, the Export dialog will pop up automatically once OtterBlotter finishes running:

      b. The following prompt will pop up. Enter the filename that you want to use for the exported blotter. If you leave this blank, the name will default to 'OB_' followed by the date in YYYYMMDD format.

      c. The results will be exported to the filename you choose, and the following message will be displayed. Clicking on the link will open the spreadsheet.

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