OtterBlotter: Configuration in Advanced Mode

OtterBlotter: Configuration in Advanced Mode

The following instructions are intended for advanced users, who wish to modify the Configuration or Rules themselves. 
This configuration is done on the Control, Schema, and Rules tabs. OtterBlotter must be switched to Advanced Mode using the menu to access these tabs.
WealthEnV does not take responsibility for issues that may arise as a result of a firm modifying the Configuration or Rules themselves.
It is recommended that you contact support to make these types of changes, but access to these Rules is useful for understanding why OtterBlotter found a potential issue with a trade.
These instructions are therefore useful in understanding how to read the Rules.

Instructions for Configuration:
Welcome to OtterBlotter, by WealthEnV
1. Adding a Word (a field to inspect):
a. Add the word to the Control sheet (to the left). Type should be set to Normal to match a value, Numeric to check if a number is within a range,
or Skip to ignore (for now). The Column value is not used.
b. Add a column for the new Word to the Rules sheet, in the same order as specified on the Control sheet.
Fill in "n/a" on all existing Rules that do not use this Word.
c. Add a column for the new word to the Test sheet, in the same order as specified on the Rules sheet
d. Additional columns to supplement the data can be added using Formulas. To do that, follow the instructions above and specify
a formula in column D to the left. The existence of anything in that cell will cause the Validation process to insert the formula.
For Array formulas, prepend the formula with a "{". Do not add the closing "}" to the end. Array formulas are needed for tests that
look at other rows of data.
Formulas should be enclosed within IFERROR() checks to avoid issues.
If a formula only applies in certain situations (particularly for Arrays), enclose it within an IF() to avoid unnecessary calculations.
e. Do not add any other text in column A of this sheet (such as comments, notes, etc.) since the Word counter in cell J1 is automatic.
2. Adding a Rule:
a. The Instance ID must match an ID on the Schema sheet
b. Separate rules can be created for each Instance if there is a different way to get to that place in the schema
c. Rules can be unique, so that a given set of values will always match only one rule. This can be tested using the "Check Conflicts" button
The rules engine also supports uses where multiple results per row are allowed.
d. The convention being used is that all incomplete rules are in red italics, while all complete rules use black text.
e. The convention being used is that all nodes that purposely do not have rules use blue italics.
3. Setting a Value for a Rule:
a. "n/a" means that the field does not matter and is ignored by that rule.
b. NULL means that the field MUST be NULL, Empty, or "".
c. All values to match against must be separated by commas, with 1 space after the comma. No comma is needed for the last (or only) item.
d. All values to NOT match against must be preceded by a "!", and separated by commas, with 1 space after the comma. !NULL is acceptable.
e. The fields themselves are always treated as AND's. Every field must match. In order to handle an OR situation, add an additional rule.
f. Underlined Normal text is Case Sensitive. Otherwise, all values are converted to lowercase before matching.
g. Underlined Numeric values mean that the Word is inclusive of NULL/missing. (NULL for a numeric works, but NULL, 5 does not. Use 5 instead.)
h. Numeric fields support AND for ranges (e.g., >10 AND <=100)
i. Wildcards are supported, including within lists. The following can be used:
*X*: Contains
X*: Begins with
*X: Ends with
!X*: Does not begin with
!*X*: Does not contain
!*X: Does not end with
4. OtterBlotter configuration at the Firm Level:
a. Enter the name of the firm in the House Name field in cell J8 of this sheet.
b. Enter the max commission amounts by product type in the Max Fee Schedule table in this sheet.
c. Set up any Rules unique to the firm in the Rules sheet, potentially adding additional Formula fields using the Control sheet.
d. Make sure that Control, Rules, and Test sheets are all configured to use the same columns.
e. Set LastWordCol to the last column used for a Word. This should match the Word/Field configuration.
f. Set TestOutputIDCol to the column letter where rule ID's should be output. This will be the column after the last Word column.
g. Set TestOutputDescCol to the column letter where rule descriptions should be output on the Test sheet. This should be the column after the ID.
h. #Words, #Rules, and #Tests adjust automatically.
i. Set House Name to the name of your firm. This is used for the rule that checks for trading in your own firm's bonds.
j. Set the colors you want to be used for the Rule Output Descriptions for OK, Warning1, Warning2, and Error. The "worst" one is used for a trade.
k. Do not change the Product Key unless instructed to by OtterBlotter Support. This is used to make sure that this spreadsheet template
matches the version of the OtterBlotter Add-In.

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